Acura Maintenance & Service Schedule Guide

You want to keep your vehicle running like new for many years to come, and there is nothing more essential to this than routine maintenance. Fortunately, Acura publishes a maintenance schedule for every vehicle, broken down by model, year, and trim. Strictly adhering to this schedule is by far the best way to avoid breakdowns and costly repairs. We’ve put together this guide to give you a general idea of what an Acura service schedule looks like, but it’s important to note that this should not be used as a substitute for checking with the service schedule for your specific vehicle.
Oil Change Service – Every 7,500 Miles
Without clean oil, your vehicle’s engine will simply seize up and stop working. Checking your engine oil level is important, but getting the oil and filter changed every 7,500 miles is absolutely necessary. The good news is that this is both a quick and inexpensive procedure.
Tire Rotation – Every 7,500 Miles
Tire rotations maximize the life of your tires by ensuring that they wear more evenly. It’s a good idea to do this as frequently as is practical, which is why manufacturers, Acura included, usually recommend performing a tire rotation with every oil change.
Air Filters Replaced – Every 30,000 Miles
The engine in your vehicle produces more power and delivers better fuel economy when it can draw in as much air as possible. A dirty air filter keeps this from happening, so periodic filter changes keep the engine working as it should. The climate control air filter is generally replaced at the same time with Acura vehicles.
Transmission Fluid Change – Every 45,000 Miles
In much the same way that engine oil lubricates the engine internals, transmission fluid protects the transmission internals from heat and friction. The transmission internals aren’t exposed to as much dirt or heat as the engine internals, so the intervals for changes are further apart, but still every bit as vital.
Change Spark Plugs – Every 105,000 Miles
Spark plugs are what lights the fuel/air mixture that makes your vehicle’s engine run. Modern fuel injection systems are much more precise than before, and this helps spark plugs last much longer, but they don’t last forever, and after a certain point, leaving old plugs in will negatively affect how your engine runs.
Replace Engine Coolant – Change at 120,000 Miles, Then Every 60,000 Miles After That
As the name implies, engine coolant keeps your engine from overheating. It’s pretty resilient stuff, but eventually starts to chemically break down. Regularly scheduled changes help avoid any costly damages that could come from worn-out coolant.
Replace Brake Fluid – Every Three Years Regardless Of Mileage
Brake fluid is essentially hydraulic fluid, transmitting the force of your stepping on the brake pedal to the brake assemblies at each wheel. Over time, the fluid absorbs moisture from the air and becomes less effective at transmitting that force. Since this absorption happens at the same rate no matter how frequently or how long you drive, brake fluid changes are scheduled in years rather than miles.
Checked At Every Service And Replaced As Needed:
- Battery, including checking terminals for corrosion
- Brake pads, shoes, rotors, drums, hoses and parking brake
- CV Joints
- Engine cooling system protection and hoses
- Exhaust system
- Accessory drive belt(s)